Newberry: (352) 472-7035 39th Ave & Holistic: (352) 332-2292 Main Street: (352)372-5391 Springhill: (352) 373-7208

Holistic Pet Services
Veterinary Acupuncture
Veterinary acupuncture is used all over the world, either by itself or in conjunction with Western medicine, to treat a wide variety of maladies in every species of domestic and exotic animals. Modern veterinary acupuncturists use solid needles, hypodermic needles, bleeding needles, electricity, heat, massage and low power lasers to stimulate acupuncture points. Acupuncture works well for functional problems such as those that involve paralysis, noninfectious inflammation (such as allergies), and pain. Driven by traditional Chinese medicine trained practitioners, acupuncture can be helpful in the treatment of such non-functional problems such as behavioral and developmental disorders.
Acupuncture can be used to treat:​
​Musculoskeletal problems, such as arthritis or vertebral disc pathology, and hip dysplasia
Skin problems, such as lick granuloma
Respiratory problems, such as feline asthma
Gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea
Selected reproductive problems​

Laser Therapy​
​Laser Therapy works to reduce pain and speeds up the healing process. It can help painful conditions such as fractures, wounds, post-surgery pain, post-dentals, arthritis, hip dysplasia, or degenerative joint disease, and relief and/or improvement is often noticed within hours, and can work in conjunction with regular treatment protocols.
Laser therapy stimulates the body to heal from within. Non-thermal photons of light are administered to the body for about 3 to 8 minutes and absorbed by the injured cells. The cells are then stimulated and respond in relief from pain, increased circulation, reduced inflammation, and an acceleration of the healing.
Analgesic Effect
Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth
Improved Vascular Activity
Increased Metabolic Activity
Trigger Points and Acupuncture
Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation
Faster Wound Healing
Chinese Food Therapy
Chinese food therapy dates back as early as 2000 BC. The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, also known as the Huangdi Neijing, which was written around 300 BC, was most important in forming the basis of Chinese food therapy. It classified food by four food groups, five tastes and by their natures and characteristics.​

The principles of yin and yang are used in the sphere of food and cooking. Yang foods increase the body's heat (e.g. raise the metabolism), while Yin foods decrease the body's heat (e.g. lower the metabolism). As a generalization, Yang foods tend to be dense in food energy, especially energy from fat and starch, while Yin foods tend to have high water contents, are low in energy and low on the glycemic index. The Chinese ideal is to eat both types of food to keep the body in balance. An animal, or person eating too much Yang food might suffer from bad skin, be over excitable and be hot most of the time while an animal, or person eating too much Yin food might be cold, lethargic or anemic. The yin yang type and dominant element of each individual determines how susceptible the person is to these effects of food. A neutral individual is generally healthy and will have strong reactions to these effects only after overconsumption of certain kinds of food. A yang type individual usually can eat all yin type food with no ill effect, but may easily get a nose bleed, anger easily, develop hot spots or develop anhydrosis with a small amount of yang type food. A yin type individual is usually less thrifty, tired and is reactive to either yin or yang food. Boosting or nourishing types of food are needed to bring a yin individual back into balance.
Each of the 5 elements of TCVM, (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water), also have particular food items that can enhance or strengthen their inherent qualities and adds more dimensions to consider when selecting a diet that works well for that particular patient and their condition. A veterinarian trained in 5 element theory methodology can easily recognize the patients pattern needs based on these ancient theories. Excesses and deficiencies can then be addressed through proper food choices and adjusted as needed.